Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Palworld - How To Get And Use Crude Oil And The Oil Extractor

One of the new resources that arrived with the Sakurajima DLC update in Palworld is called "Crude Oil." This resource is essential in the production of Plasteel, which creates the best Sphere, armor, and weapons in Palworld. However, the primary way to acquire Crude Oil requires you to construct and use a Crude Oil Extractor, which comes with its own requirements. You can see the entire process of building a Crude Oil Extractor and getting Crude Oil in Palworld in the guide below.

Building the Crude Oil Extractor in Palworld

To unlock the Crude Oil Extractor in your base build menu, you need to use two Technology Points on the equipment. The Crude Oil Extractor is found at level 50 in the Technology Menu right next to the unlock for Plasteel.The Crude Oil Extractor in the Technology menu

After you unlock the Crude Oil Extractor, you need the following resources to construct it in your base:Continue Reading at GameSpot


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