Monday, February 28, 2011

Exclusive New Information About Find Makarov -- Not A Modern Warfare 3 Teaser?

Since the countdown clock with a Modern Warfare-esque font and sounds first appeared on, more pieces of information have slowly trickled out. First, Activision released a statement that claimed the thing was a hoax. Today, various sites have been reporting that the whole thing is actually a project of a Toronto-based production house called We Can Pretend, which has a few samples of their previous work on their website. The most interesting one is a video called "Occupation." which is well worth watching (the Doritos Tablet is funny as well).
We reached out to, and through them we've heard from a source who is actually one of the owners of We Can Pretend, and while they didn't reveal exactly what is going on with the site, which was recently updated to a new red look complete with a sweeping radar and the same countdown, it is obvious that we'll know more later this week. 
Additionally, they provided us with an exclusive image from the project, which you can check out after the break. It's clearly from a live-action video, and presents a scene that looks familiar to those of us who have played Modern Warfare 2. Is this related to a sequel? Is it a company seizing a good opportunity for self-promotion? One thing is for sure: it's highly doubtful that this is some sort of viral surprise reveal for Battlefield 3, because I doubt any publisher would go this deep into a rival's game backstory.
At any rate, we'll have more information for you this week, so stay tuned.

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